Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 30, Unusual Pathologies and Psychopathologies Part 1

Hello my little gremlins! Today we are delving into rare and bizarre pathologies- a subject we will be coming back to many times in the future! The parts in this series will not be back to back, but as an ongoing subject. And we will cover some psychopathologies too!

Today we discuss:

What pathology is

Schistosoma Parasite

Eagle-Barrett Syndrome

Tumor Causes Pedophilia

Brain Tumor With Teeth


Eye Worm


Pathological Generosity

Girl Develops Acute Hepatitis After Drinking Unusual Green Tea

Poliosis Circumscripta

Gluten Psychosis


20-Foot Tapeworm


Acupuncture Causes Bacterial Infection

Anal Cancer

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 29, Scissor Men: Criminal Trichophilia

Trichophilia is the sexual arousal by hair. A very normal, quite common fetish. But of course, today we are going to the dark side of trichophilia- as a paraphilia, and even as a crime.

As far back as the 1800's, men have been attacking women and cutting off their hair. Today we will discuss:

The Scissor Man, or Jack The Snipper, of Pennsylvania

The Phantom Barber of Pascagoula, in Mississippi

The TriMet Barber of Oregon

We will also go over the history of plait-cutting thoughout the ages, diagnosis and treatments of compulsive trichophilia, as well as discuss perfectly normal and safe trichophilia.

Plus a surprise link to Shockheaded Peter, from the Gruss Vom Krampus episode!

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 28, Walking Corpse Syndrome

What if you woke up one day, fully convinced that your flesh was rotting, your organs were decomposing, and you were dead?

Today we discuss the absolutely terrifying mental illness called Cotard’s Delusion, or Walking Corpse Syndrome.

We will discuss what it is, how it’s diagnosed and treated, but we are going to spend a lot of time on individual case studies, and all the details they contain. We will also talk about a related illness called Capgras Syndrome, koro, lots about psychiatry, a surprising link to COVID-19, Cotard’s in pop culture, and more!

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 27, Bombing at the Day Spa: The Murder of Ildiko Krajnyak

The tranquil town of Aliso Viejo in Orange County, California was rocked one mid-afternoon by a huge explosion that had grisly consequences. One thing about this town however, is it has more than it’s share of open marriages, affairs, and secrets. The investigation involved unraveling the very complicated life of day spa owner Ildiko Krajnyak. We also talk about the most absurd and irritating interview behavior I’ve ever come across, yet another human thumb of a man, and everyone’s favorite casual hobby: rocketry. Oh, and uncover a deeper mystery beneath this mystery. Let’s. GO!

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 26, Serial Killer Foodie: Dorothea Puente

Today we talk about the life and crimes of Dorothea Puente, but more importantly, we talk food, recipes, and cooking. Why? As it turns out, the bitch loved to cook. We also do a deep dive into a national treasure of yesteryear: Bernstein’s Fish Grotto.

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 25, The Zoo Man Serial Killer

This case came upon me by accident, but I was shocked I had never heard of it! We will follow the clues given by each of the bodies, the police investigation, and the botched trial of: The Zoo Man. I am also excited to cover one of many cases that were solved by forensic anthropology- get your decomp times and bug facts out, because we are going there!

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 24, The Toxic Lady: Gloria Ramirez

This is a tie-in episode to the Mad Gasser of Mattoon. On February 19, 1994, a very ill woman was rushed to the ER at Riverside Hospital in California. What happened next is a mystery. A chain reaction of illnesses ran rampant through the ER, affecting hospital staff and launching a mishandled and VERY dramatic investigation. The final conclusion(s) were: mass hysteria, or a chain of chemical reactions from DMSO cream. But are either of these official answers what actually happened that evening? Spoiler alert- absolutely fucking not. Come with me as we dissect this one-of-a-kind event and figure out what exactly happened to Gloria Ramirez.

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 23, The Mad Gasser of Mattoon

Call him the Mad Gasser, call him the Phantom Anesthetist - just DO NOT call this whole case an episode of mass hysteria. Today, we take a deep sea fishing level dive into the case of The Mad Gasser of Mattoon, and subsequently, the bullshit psychological diagnosis that is mass hysteria. 

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 22, The Fresno Nightcrawler

Today we are discussing one of my favorite cryptids! She’s stunnin, she’s gorgeous, she looks like Linda Evangelista….An influencer since 2007, and spooky as shit, let’s dive in to the sightings, fans, and culture behind one of the internet’s most famous cryptids: The Fresno Nightcrawler.

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Sara Tiara Sara Tiara

Episode 21, The Murder of Theora Hix AKA The Snook-Hix Affair

In this strange, olden-timey case we cover another ‘Trial of the Century,’ and probably the last. Because as it turns out, trials are boring. But this one is not! It will include: cannibus, a self-performed vasectomy, beach chairs, multiple lovers, abnormal sex, blister beetle, dog testing, a human thumb of a man, a ballpeen hammer, sexy trips to New York, cocaine, love nest apartments, one small testicle, sex in machines, and the Olympics. Among other things. Come with me, while we make fun of this shitshow of a trial.

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